.Welcome to The Food Odyssey!.
.Where innovation meets education.
.in the agri-food sector!.
The Food Odyssey is an educational project funded by Erasmus+ and involves a diverse consortium of partners from Slovenia, Italy, Serbia, and Spain (learn more about the consortium here).
Its main goal is to contribute to European agri-food Vocational Education and Training (VET) by providing innovative tools, including an online escape room, to foster knowledge about the links between food systems and climate change, whilst also promoting empowerment of teachers and the food professionals of tomorrow.
Join our learning journey!
Join our learning journey!
This will be a journey to co-create an innovative and engaging approach to learn - and teach - about food systems sustainability. We will explore the interplay between agri-food systems and climate change, with learning that's as engaging as it is fun! We will share our results and lessons learned here on our webpage, on the E+ platform and on our social media, so don't forget to follow us! Like what you see? Share it!
We want to reach as many people as we can!;-)
We want to reach as many people as we can!;-)
In this animated video, you'll get a glimpse of what motivates us and the approach we take in this amazing project.
Our priorities
Our priorities
Contributing to innovation in vocational education and training
Contributing to innovation in vocational education and training
Environment and fight against climate change
Environment and fight against climate change
Innovation + education + engagementWe will develop cutting-edge didactic tools. Our APPROACH
These tools will combine state-of-the-art content with engaging game-based learning. These tools will equip vocational and educational teachers to confidently address topics related to food systems sustainability and its profound connection to climate change. And they will allow the learning process to be engaging for students!
Have you ever heard about escape rooms? Are you puzzled about how they might be used as educational tools? Check out our results page